A captivating event unfolded at the Palo Alto Children’s Library as Rhea Sampson, accompanied by her two charming dogs, Shannon (a Golden Retriever) and Travis (a Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix), engaged a gathering of eighteen young children and their parents. The audience was enraptured by the reading of “Saving Travis,” a heartwarming tale that chronicles the heroic journey of Shannon, the dog who rescued the frightened Travis abandoned in the bushes.
Beyond the enchanting storytelling, the session became an educational opportunity for the children to grasp best practices in caring for dogs. In a harmonious twist, they also participated in a lively sing-along centered around the theme of animal care. The event concluded on a delightful note, allowing the children to interact and pet both Shannon and Travis, adding a tangible connection to the heartwarming story they had just experienced.
A heartfelt thank you extends to the library staff, with special recognition for their youth helper Shawn, who contributed to making this event a memorable and educational experience for all involved.