Reptilian Visit to Barron Park Elementary in Palo Alto

At the request of our education partner Youth Community Service (YCS), we recently sponsored a special visit to Barron Park Elementary School in Palo Alto—local science educator John Hale with several of his rescued reptiles.

The all-girl audience was thrilled to welcome John and gang, and they were an enthusiastic and well-informed audience. One of the big stars of the “show” was Coco Chanel, a 50 plus-pound tortoise who had just awakened from her yearly winter nap and was ready to explore her new surroundings. The students were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet John’s rescues up close and personal. They’re looking forward to another visit during the next school year.

Special thanks to John for his fun and informative presentation and to Evangeline Dominguez and Persia Fakr (pictured below with John) of YCS.