Children of all ages and their parents had a special treat this past April 30 at Palo Alto’s Mitchell Park Library when Clorofil, our sanctuary and education partner, and Project HumaneKind teamed up to offer a reading of “My Name Is Skye.”
Skye is a dog rescued by Isabelle Cnudde, founder of the Los Altos micro sanctuary Clorofil, from a South Korean dog meat farm with her four young puppies. “My Name Is Skye” tells her story—from a near death fate to a happy life at Clorofil. Isabelle read the story aloud as the audience followed along with projected images of the published book. She then shared photos of Skye that marked important turning points in the dog’s life and answered questions about her sanctuary work, the current outlawed state of dog farms in South Korea, and Skye.
The session ended with the children creating illustrations of a happy and safe Skye, which you can see below.