Special Guests at Apolo Daycare and Preschool

Apolo Daycare and Preschool

Young attendees at East Palo Alto’s bilingual (Spanish-English) Apolo Daycare and Preschool enjoyed a special treat as they rounded out their study of desert habitats. They got to meet some real, live, rescued desert reptiles they had already learned about, thanks to John Hale, our reptile rescue educator.

These children were eager to ask John questions and share their knowledge as well as observe and meet and greet the reptiles: Vince, the Red-footed Tortoise; Ginger, the Bearded Dragon; and Fruit Loops, the Arizona Mountain King Snake. These animals definitely welcomed the opportunity to show off! Fruit Loops was amenable to pets, and Ginger and Vince enjoyed the opportunity to explore as they do at home, with Ginger riding piggyback on Vince’s shell—they’re great buddies! They liked being petted and held too.

Apolo Daycare and Preschool

We at Project HumaneKind are looking forward to another visit to Apolo in the near future. Many thanks to the Miss Mary, the staff, and the children for inviting us!