We’re in the News!

BP Newsletter Page

Our activities in the Barron Park neighborhood of Palo Alto and beyond have been highlighted in the 2024 summer edition of the Barron Park Association Newsletter, just off the press—take a look!

BP Newsletter Page

Written and edited by the residents of Barron Park—supported by memberships and donations —the Barron Park Association Newsletter is a decades-old quarterly publication. It welcomes any topic that touches or involves the BP community and its members. Our longtime historian contributes detailed articles about the history of the area; we feature activities in the ‘hood, the natural world, student participation, energy-saving and sustainability tips, nearby businesses, local art and artists, the Bol Park Native Habitat, and the Donkey Project.

Click here to read the newsletter in its entirety.

For past editions of the newsletter, click here and learn more about Barron Park